Elections for C.B.L.S.L Commission Members will be held the first two Sunday's in June. In the event the League does not have games scheduled (or games are postponed) on one or both of the first two Sundays in June, the election must be scheduled for the next Sunday that games are in session.
Below is information from the CBLSL Constitution regarding the Election Process:
- Elections for all C.B.L.S.L. Commission members will be held at the Dairy Fields.
- All C.B.L.S.L. members in good standing are eligible to vote.
- The Election Committee will use official team rosters/information provided by the League's membership database to verify members in good standing.
- All C.B.L.S.L. members in good standing are eligible to run for an open seat on the Commission.
- All nominations must be submitted to the Election Chair no later than May 7th of that season.
- The Election Chair, working closely with the League's Communications Director, must have all nominees and their Statement of Interest published on the C.B.L.S.L. website no later than May 20th.
- The C.B.L.S.L. Communications Director or League Commissioner must notify the membership in writing that the nominees are posted on the league website no later than May 20th.
- Commission members will be elected in the following manner (click link for a description of each role):
- Odd number years (two-year term)
- Even number years (two-year term)
- Commission member terms will start on October 1st and run until October 1st two years later.
- Election winners are determined by a simple majority of the individuals who voted.
- In the event of a tie, the current elected Commission members will vote to determine the winner of the election.
- If a tie still persists at the end of the Commission voting, the winner will be determined by a coin flip conducted by the Commission or their designee.
- In the event of a tie, the current elected Commission members will vote to determine the winner of the election.
- Any Commission member appointed by the League Commissioner is subject to reelection at the next voting session.
- In the event that a position is added at the General Amendment Meeting by way of an approved amendment (per Section XIII. C.), the League Commissioner will be responsible for appointing a member to that position.
- All elected Commission positions shall have a vote in all matters voted on in Commission Meetings.
- See Section IV, Part A for the League Commissioner's role in official voting
- All positions designated as appointed positions per the Constitution shall not have a vote in matters voted on in Commission Meetings.
- Elected positions filled by appointment shall have a vote in all matters voted on in Commission Meetings. Removal of elected officers: Removal of any elected officers, except the League Commissioner, may be done by a majority of the Commission. Removal of any of these officers must be initiated by the League Commissioner in writing ten (10) days prior to the next Commission meeting.
- The League Commissioner may then appoint a person to fill that position until the next time voting occurs.